Sandy LoderAH Loder Advisers and Peak Dynamics, along with Harvey Hillary, (@harveyhillary) formally Head of High Performance & Innovation for the Great Britain Sailing Team and UK Sport 'Elite Coach’ will be combining their expertise to talk about "What It Takes To Win - The Power of Performance" at The 18th European Family Office Conference on Wednesday 2nd November 2016 in London.

, CEO of

Together, they will talk about some of the key winning strategies at the systems/corporate level, team level and with the individuals.

We will be writing a summary of what we talk about after the conference.

If you are interested in learning more or would like us to come to your organisation and provide some advice, then please feel to contact me.

Sandy Loder

Sandy has worked with families, family businesses and family offices for many years. He is well known for his expert work with the next generation, along with his numerous trips to the Arctic. Over the past few years, as a result of his many successes with the Next Gen, he created Peak Dynamics after being asked to work with corporates, elite athletes and extreme adventurers to help them improve their performance through improved culture, behaviour, decision-making and resilience. @sandyloder@peakdynamic

Harvey Hillary

Harvey advises individuals, teams and organisations on delivering optimal performance, and maximising competitive advantage. As a coach, Harvey was a pioneer of ‘applied’ work in decision-making, resilience under competition stress and enabling first-time Olympians to deliver to their potential. Recently, Harvey has been advising on the development of ‘What It Takes to Win’ and ‘What It Takes to Transition’ models and 'realising a performance impact from Data Analytics' in Elite Sport. @harveyhillary